Come on In! : An Invitation to a VIP Visitor (Primary)Research and discuss the value of having Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors and make them an invitation.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Dance
- Drama
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Media Arts
- Music
- Science
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Community Building Blocks (Early Learning)Children build a model of their local area with blocks and mark important Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander places.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Connection to Country Incursion or Excursion (Early Learning)Children take an excursion or have visitors to learn the historical and cultural significance of Country and important sites in their local area.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Geography
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Connection to Country Incursion or Excursion (Primary)Students take an excursion or have visitors to learn the historical and cultural significance of Country and important sites in their local area.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Dance
- Digital Technologies
- Drama
- Geography
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Media Arts
- Science
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Connection to Country Incursion or Excursion (Secondary)Students take an excursion or have visitors to learn the historical and cultural significance of Country and important sites in their local area.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Geography
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Science
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Cultural Competence Continuum (Secondary)In this activity, students learn about the cultural responsiveness continuum and identify situations in their own lives or Australia’s history that reflect the various levels of responsiveness.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Drama
- English
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Media Arts
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Cultural Questions Box (Primary)Students learn not to keep their questions about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures ‘boxed up’. What one doesn’t know can be just as important to acknowledge what one does know.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Inclusive Policies (Secondary)Students will deconstruct a policy document to identify what does or does not make it inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, perspectives and priorities.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Design and Technologies
- Geography
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Difference is Deadly! (Early Learning)This activity helps children to develop an early awareness of personal or cultural differences, and a positive attitude towards difference, by celebrating what makes each child special and unique .
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
DreamBox (Secondary)Students explore a relevant range of ABC Open's DreamBox photographs as a stimulus for appreciating the aspirations and opportunities of people, including those of their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander classmates.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Design and Technologies
- English
- Media Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Face the Facts - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rights (Secondary)Learn fact from fiction around the shared and unique rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
First Contact (Secondary)Students engage with SBS’s award-winning documentary, First Contact.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Dance
- Drama
- English
- Geography
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Media Arts
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
From ‘Me & Mine’ to Shared Significance (Secondary)Students use ABC Open Me and Mine short films, to learn about the relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and think about how such relationships are relevant to them.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Media Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
From Play School to Pre-School — Learning from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Educators (early learning)Children learn to appreciate the value of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in their learning environment.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Group Meeting (Early Learning)Meet with or learn about a group or committee with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Illustrating Equality vs Equity in Inclusive Policies (Primary)Students develop an understanding of the difference between equality and equity. Students develop an understanding of the difference between equality and equity.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Health and Physical Education
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Illustrating Equality vs Equity in Inclusive Policies (Secondary)Students develop an understanding of the difference between equality and equity.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Design and Technologies
- Geography
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Indigenous Business Direct (Secondary)Using Supply Nation’s Indigenous Business Direct search tool, students work to locate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses relevant to their school’s RAP or general business.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Design and Technologies
- Economics and Business
- Geography
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Invisible Discrimination Meets Visible Respect (Primary)Come up with ways to confront covert racism with overt demonstrations of respect.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Health and Physical Education
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Invisible Discrimination Meets Visible Respect (Secondary)Come up with ways to confront covert racism with overt demonstrations of respect.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Health and Physical Education
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary