Bella Grace Brightwater School Kindergarten

RAP Network connections acknowledge collaborative relationships with other schools/services on their RAP journeys. Where these schools/services also have a published RAP, you can click on their name below to view a summary of their reconciliation commitments.

Early learning service
June 2023 to June 2024

We value living in a reconciled community where Australia’s First Nations People are respectfully held in high esteem. We understand, respect and acknowledge that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the Traditional Custodians  of Australia and strive to build reciprocal relationships that support children, families and educators tolove  the land. We will be humble; we will listen; and we will learn. Our vision is to provide a welcoming environment where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are actively valued and heard.  We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and own sense of being, and we are committed to understanding and respecting their histories and cultures. We will build a sense of belonging by welcoming participation from all families by listening to  and valuing that families’ stories as an integral part of our daily communication and education practice. As families become more comfortable participants in our environment, our hope is that we all share a sense of mutual respect, learning from Gubbi Gubbi  teachings from the Land. We aim to develop ethics of care and social justice and to be proud to play and live on Gubbi Gubbi Country. We will use these teachings to support children’s understanding of traditional and continuing ways of knowing, doing and being. We acknowledge that our Kindy is built on the Gubbi Gubbi Land which has significant value and cultural ties to water. We want every child who attends this Kindy to share pride in, and learn from the Gubbi Gubbi people about what it means to care for the land and the waters that surround us.
