Matthew Flinders Anglican College

August 2023 to August 2024

Our Mission at Matthew Flinders Anglican College is to develop students' character and competencies for a successful future of contribution and leadership in local, national, and global communities, based in the Christian tradition.

We like to speak about The Flinders Way to define the people and the community we aspire to be, namely, a dynamic learning community firmly grounded in the core values of courage, respect, integrity and compassion as the means to become attuned citizens, ready and willing to serve the wider community.

In fact, these core values are also at the heart of reconciliation, which is more than just tokenism or acceptance of multiculturalism—it is about making a better future by better acknowledging the past. 

Our Vision for Reconciliation is founded on the acknowledgement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Original Custodians of the Land we now call Australia. As such, we see our College as an active participant in a shared journey with First Nations peoples, moving forward, committing ourselves to a sustained conversation with the local Kabi Kabi/Gubbi Gubbi people for a shared understanding of the past and present. We come with an attitude of respectful listening, eager to learn, seeking truth and an equitable future. 

This will involve educating all members of the school community in the Five Dimensions of Reconciliation (race relations; equality and equity; institutional integrity; unity; and historical acceptance), reflected in College operational matters, signage, aesthetics and publications. 

In line with our College’s overall Mission, it is hoped that the ongoing cultural dialogue and exchange with local First Nations people will inspire members of our College community to make a positive difference for sustained reconciliatory action in the wider community of the Sunshine Coast and beyond, 'closing the gap' to ensure all have a place of worth, dignity, equity and respect.

