Whites Hill State College

RAP Network connections acknowledge collaborative relationships with other schools/services on their RAP journeys. Where these schools/services also have a published RAP, you can click on their name below to view a summary of their reconciliation commitments.

July 2023 to July 2024

At Whites Hill State College, we envision a future where reconciliation is embedded in every aspect of our community, fostering respect, understanding, and unity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander among all individuals. Our Reconciliation Action Plan is a transformative journey towards healing, acknowledging the past, and forging meaningful connections with the First Nations peoples, cultures, and histories. We strive to create an inclusive and culturally responsive environment that celebrates diversity, promotes equitable and equal opportunities, and empowers students, staff, and families to embrace reconciliation as a shared responsibility.

By nurturing respectful relationships, fostering intercultural understanding, and valuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, we aim to create a thriving educational community that champions social justice and champions the rights and voices of First Nations peoples. Through the implementation of our Reconciliation Action Plan, we commit to providing culturally appropriate and inclusive curriculum that recognises and respects the richness of First Nations knowledge systems. We will engage with local First Nations communities to ensure that their histories, languages, and cultural practices are acknowledged, integrated, and celebrated throughout our college.

We envision a future where reconciliation is not just a concept, but a lived reality within our college community. We will actively engage in truth-telling processes, acknowledging past wrongs, and working towards meaningful and lasting change. We will ensure that First Nations students, staff, and families feel valued, supported, and empowered, and that their voices are heard and respected. We will stand united, reconciled, and committed to a future that honors the past, respects the present, and paves the way for a brighter, inclusive, and harmonious tomorrow.

At Whites Hill State College, reconciliation is not just an aspiration; it is the beating heart of our educational journey.
