Watch Me Grow Early Learning Centre

RAP Network connections acknowledge collaborative relationships with other schools/services on their RAP journeys. Where these schools/services also have a published RAP, you can click on their name below to view a summary of their reconciliation commitments.
  • Watch Me Grow Early Learning Centre Heidelberg

Early learning service
March 2024 to March 2025

Watch Me Grow ELC, is situated on the Lands of the Wurundjeri peoples of the Kulin Nation. Our vision for reconciliation is to strengthen our understanding and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' cultures through respectful and reciprocal relations with local First Nations peoples. We want to see racism eliminated, fair opportunities for all and an acceptance of the true histories of this country to move Australia forward with unity between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians. As a team, we recognise the significance of actively working towards reconciliation, striving for ongoing, meaningful, respectful and reciprocal relationships with all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This includes ensuring that all First Nations children and families feel safe, respected, valued and included in our service. 

In the context of our organisation, this represents equal and equitable opportunities and learning outcomes for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, families and children. Our organisation also values and respects diversity and inclusion, promoting a culturally responsive environment for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

Watch Me Grow ELC acknowledges that as we grow individually, as a team and as an organisation, and we will add to and enhance the plan given that the RAP is a continual process. As a service, our vision for reconciliation aligns closely with our centre’s philosophy which focuses on creating a feeling of acceptance and belonging to promote a sense of safety and security through programs that reflect our community, families and educators' cultural diversity. This highlights the significant role educators have in guiding and teaching the children about Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander peoples' perspectives and histories in collaboration with local First Nations communities. We strive for continual improvement in regards to our knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, perspectives and experiences. 
