Harrisdale Senior High School

August 2023 to August 2024

Kaya. At Harrisdale Senior High School, reconciliation means recognising, celebrating, and encouraging the respectful continuation of First Nations people’s culture and values. We believe it is important to learn and teach about the rich diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories, especially those of the Traditional Custodians of the Land that our school operates - the Whadjuk Noongar people.

Harrisdale SHS welcomes the contribution of the local  First Nation community so their values will be respectfully reflected throughout the school.  We recognise the achievements and knowledge of First Nations peoples and wish to amplify the voices of  First Nations staff, students and families. We will actively seek out and build relationships in the broader community to strengthen our understanding of varying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives.

Harrisdale SHS understands our responsibility of ensuring continual reflection, and to facilitate the process of unlearning and relearning. We are committed to addressing the five dimensions of reconciliation; historical acceptance; race relations; equality and equity; institutional integrity and unity.

•Through truth telling and understanding, we will learn about and acknowledge true histories of Australia, as we agree that the wrongs of the past will never be repeated. •We will build positive two-way relationships built on trust and respect to overcome racism. •Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff will be supported to participate equally and equitably in all areas of school to renew the focus on Closing the Gap and improve the educational outcomes of First Nations students. •Harrisdale SHS will show active support of reconciliation through inclusive policies. •Throughout the process of learning, unlearning and relearning we will be able to build unity as we recognise First Nations cultures and heritage as part of our shared identity.  

