123 Grow

Early learning service
September 2023 to September 2024

A vision for reconciliation for 123 Grow Logan Central is about creating a future where every child, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. For us, reconciliation it is about creating an inclusive, respectful, and culturally responsive environment that celebrates diversity and honours the histories, cultures, and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Isander peoples.  What motivates our commitment to reconciliation is the belief that every child deserves to grow up in a world where they feel valued, empowered, and connected to their identity and heritage. 123 grow Logan Central is driven by the understanding that by embracing reconciliation, we can create a society that is stronger, more harmonious, and enriched by the richness of different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. We are passionate about promoting understanding, fostering meaningful relationships, and nurturing empathy among children, families, and educators. By embedding reconciliation principles into early childhood education, we can lay a strong foundation for current and future generations, where reconciliation is not just an abstract concept, but a lived experience. Ultimately, our vision for reconciliation is rooted in the belief that by working together, we can build a more inclusive, equal and equitable society, where the rights and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are respected, and where opportunities for growth and learning are accessible to all.
