Duke Street Children's Centre

Early learning service
October 2023 to October 2024

At Duke Street Children's Centre, we live, work, and learn on Gunai-Kurnai Country. Duke Street is committed to fostering an environment that recognises and values Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, knowledges, and cultures. Our vision for reconciliation is grounded in the concepts of togetherness, unity, and respect.

Achieving our vision for reconciliation requires courage, generosity, integrity, and truth-telling. Duke Street recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the Traditional Owners and First Nations peoples of Australia, and have long occupied, enjoyed, utilised, and managed the Lands and Waters. As a learning community, we commit to reconciliation within everyday practice and we acknowledge the importance of reconciliation in building understanding and acceptance of Australia’s true histories, as we work towards a shared future.

Our RAP is part of Duke Street's vision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wellbeing, community participation and success in education. Educators are committed to becoming allies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and embrace a vision of unity for all people.

Duke Street promotes a culture that represents equality and equity, historical acceptance of our shared history and removal of negative race relations. Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds, and actions of all Australians as we move forward- creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

This vision is the responsibility of all stakeholders at Duke Street Children's Centre.
