Only About Children Neutral Bay

Early learning service
April 2024 to April 2025

Through our RAP, we are committed to providing the best possible care for all children and families in a holistic learning environment that supports a play-based learning curriculum that respectfully embeds the perspectives of Australia's First People's ways of being and knowing. We will do this through our daily practices and visual program as a reflection of our respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. . 

 We have a culturally diverse and unique team and with their ability to inspire and eagerness to advocate for strategies to foster equality and equity between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the wider Australian community, we aim to continue to further develop and deepen our relationships with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Through community involvement and collaborative practices with t local Elders, we will explore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultures, histories and perspectives. 

We will continue to respectfully embed inclusive practices that allows  us to educate  children from very young age and their families about Australia's First People's perspectives, languages and histories in our everyday practices through meaningful and positive experiences around cultural diversity. 

We believe that with this RAP and the team's unique strengths and abilities, we will have greater opportunities to support  building our knowledge of, and respect for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures, and to help us cultivate knowledge in the wider community. We look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationships with, and develop opportunities for, Australia's First Peoples, both within our centre and beyond. 
