Tenison Woods College

July 2023 to July 2024

At Tenison Woods College we understand that, for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Australia’s colonial history has been characterised by devastating Land dispossession, violence, and racism. However, committed people have taken many significant steps towards restoring and rebuilding our society. We understand that reconciliation is an ongoing journey that aspires to foster respect and justice, so that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children will have equal and equitable life chances, choices, opportunities and outcomes. This Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is our college’s commitment to continuing to work towards a reconciled Australia. Our vision for reconciliation begins with our acknowledgement of the Boandik people, the Traditional Owners and First Nations People of the Land on which our school is located, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the original Custodians of the beautiful Lands across Australia. As a key part of our reconciliation journey, Tenison Woods College has a major focus on building strong partnerships with the wider community. We are committed to ensuring that these partnerships are welcoming, inclusive and collaborative, and include families, parish, government and non-government agencies, community groups, businesses and other educational providers. Strong relationships are characterised by mutual respect, unity, and shared understandings, all the while being founded on an acceptance of diversity, acknowledging the right of all Peoples to be different, to consider themselves different and to be represented as such. Respectful relationships are life-giving, enhance wellbeing and promote understandings about reconciliation and restorative practices. For our college, culturally respectful relationships, authentic partnerships and holistic approaches will continue to be inclusive of families and local communities.
