Balcombe Grammar School

June 2023 to June 2024

We are committed to becoming a voice for reconciliation in Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples often walk in two worlds, their cultures are a gift, as is their connection to Country. There are many ways we can learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and cultures that will benefit all members of our community. Balcombe Grammar School is located on Bunurong Country and, through respectful truth-telling processes, we recognise the history of this Country and the ongoing impact of  colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Furthermore, we celebrate the significant contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have continued to make to our community, alongside their bravery and resilience.

We believe in quality education that supports students to make meaningful transitions to life beyond the school, increasing their chances of realising their full potential, having a voice; and positively influencing their communities. We commit to respectfully incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives throughout the curriculum.We envision a place of teaching and learning that is culturally inclusive, where aspirations are fostered, diversity is acknowledge and genuine conversations about creating equal and equitable opportunities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are ongoing.

We place importance on the collaboration of non–Indigenous people in the reconciliation process as they adopt inclusive practices that ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a meaningful role to play in decisions that affect them.

We are optimistic that we are entering  a time when equality and equity are actively fostered between non-Indigenous and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our community and when reconciliation is a lived reality and not simply an idea.
