Refreshing Your RAP
When and why do we need to refresh our RAP?
While you may choose to revert your RAP to draft at any time, your RAP will automatically be reverted to draft 12 months after publication to give your Working Group the opportunity to refresh the RAP and ensure it remains a dynamic, living document. The refresh process is a meaningful opportunity to reflect on your school or early learning service’s reconciliation journey so far, and ensure your RAP remains relevant and responsive into the future.
Refreshing your RAP will also ensure that members of your school or early learning service’s RAP Working Group will be eligible to register for online Learning Circle sessions. Facilitated by the Narragunnawali team, Learning Circles are designed to support deeper conversation and collaboration in response to RAP commitments, and to build a strong national network of reconciliation in education champions.
What steps are involved in the RAP refresh process?
Refreshing your RAP does not mean starting the RAP development process from scratch, and all data from the previous version of your RAP is kept within the Narragunnawali platform.
Your RAP Working Group will need to complete the Reflection Survey again to track progress over time and inspire your next steps. You can compare your previous Survey responses to further internally evaluate and plan.
You will also be prompted to review your Vision for Reconciliation statement and consider whether you might like to make any updates based on learnings over time. Even where the aspirations and commitments articulated in your Vision remain consistent over time, consider drawing on language shifts such as “continue to”; “extend on”; or “deepen” to reflect the progression of your reconciliation in education journey. Writing or updating your Acknowledgement of Country statement to accompany the Vision statement is another key step.
Use the refresh process to update your RAP Working Group membership details, and extend on your commitments to reconciliation by adding new Actions to the RAP, and reviewing and updating the Goals and Deliverables. In particular, please ensure that there is at least one future-dated Deliverable for each RAP Action included in your RAP.
Your RAP can then be submitted again for publication.
Any other questions?
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