Paul Kelly Short FilmsIn this activity, teachers and educators can critically reflect on reconciliation after watching three short films centred on the music of Paul Kelly and his collaborators.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Policy AuditReview the policies that support reconciliation in your school or early learning service.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Professional Knowledge Self-AssessmentStaff self-assess the level at which they are meeting Focus Area 2.4 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and develop strategies to better address this Focus Area.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
Racism in the mediaThis activity allows staff to develop an understanding of Australia's complex relationship with racism by critically exploring the differing views of journalists in the coverage of significant events.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
RAP TrackerUse the RAP Tracker to reflect on RAP progress and give your school or early learning service ideas for how to celebrate RAP achievements with your community.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Reconciliation CalendarStaff create and display a calendar of days of national significance to be celebrated or commemorated with students, children and the community throughout the year.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Reconciliation in Education Part 1: An IntroductionThis professional learning resource provides guidance for how teachers, staff and the wider community can engage with the 'Reconciliation in Education: An Introduction' webinar.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Reconciliation in Education Part 2: Talking the WalkThis professional learning resource provides guidance for how teachers, staff and the wider community can engage with the ‘Reconciliation in Education: Talking the Walk’ webinar.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Reconciliation in Education Part 3: Walking the TalkThis professional learning resource provides guidance for how teachers, staff and the wider community can engage with the ‘Reconciliation in Education: Walking the Talk’ webinar.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Reconciliation in Education: Learning, Unlearning, RelearningAfter watching a short film, staff and RAP Working Group members think about the relationship between reconciliation and education (learning, unlearning and relearning).
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Reconciliation Inside and Outside of School HoursTeachers and educators compare the three underpinning ideas of My Time, Our Place to the three key concepts of the Australian Curriculum Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures cross-curriculum priority.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Reconciliation Network 'Listen and Learn' SessionMembers of a school or early learning service’s reconciliation network take part in a ‘Listen and Learn’ session to reflect on the next best steps towards advancing reconciliation.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Reconciliation Postcard: Yesterday-Today-TomorrowStaff write a reflective postcard to people of yesterday, or the people of tomorrow, based on their commitments to reconciliation today.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Tertiary
Reflecting On Our Cultural IdentitiesThis activity creates a space for staff to reflect on their own cultural identity, cultural responsiveness in their school or early learning service, and Australia's shared national identity.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Rewarding Reconciliation ActionTeachers or educators will either develop or critically consider their school or early learning service's Vision and criteria for reconciliation.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Scenario - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander FlagsThis scenario encourages staff to develop a strong understanding of the cultural, historic and symbolic meaning and significance of the flags, and to talk confidently about the importance of publicly displaying the flags.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Scenario - Acknowledgement of CountryDiscuss this scenario with a group of your staff to start a conversation about the importance of understanding the act of acknowledging Country.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Scenario - The Burden of ExperienceDiscuss this scenario as a group to explore some of the challenges there can be when working closely with the community, and how best to support people who are deeply involved in the community.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Scenario – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in the ClassroomDiscuss this scenario with a group of your staff to explore the potential complexities involved in inviting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into your classroom.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary
Searching for StakeholdersStaff use a range of online directories to help them locate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders that could make meaningful contributions to the achievement of RAP Actions.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
- Early Learning
- Primary